The Tubular PO4 Resorption (TRP) calculator would be enhanced tremendously by taking the arithmetic forward to the logical and clinically relevant conclusion: the tubular maximum resorption of phosphate, TmP/GFR. This would really benefit from an automatic calculation because TmP/GFR is calculated in two different ways depending on the TRP value.
1. When TRP is less than 0.86, TmP/GFR is simply TRP x serum phosphate.
2. When TRP is greater than 0.86, TmP/GFR is [serum phosphate][0.3TRP/(1-0.8TRP)
A web calculator is here:
A normal range is here:

Anonymous commented
Please add the nonlinear formula for challenging cases.
Anonymous commented
Please consider adding the nonlinear formula- very useful in children and adults with hypophosphatemia