Mentzer Index
MCV (fl):Ery (/pl)
13 Hinweis für Eisenmangelanaemie
<13 Hinweis für Thalassaemie

Anonymous commented
The Mentzer index, described in 1973 by Mentzer,[1] is said to be helpful in differentiating iron deficiency anemia from beta thalassemia.[2]
The index is calculated from the results of a complete blood count. If the quotient of the mean corpuscular volume (MCV, in fL) divided by the red blood cell count (RBC, in Millions per microLiter) is less than 13, thalassemia is said to be more likely. If the result is greater than 13, then iron-deficiency anemia is said to be more likely.[3]
Kosi Anago commented
To differentiate between Beta thalassemia and Iron deficiency anemia.
Anonymous commented
Iron deficiency anemia vs thalassemia
Anonymous commented
Es uno de los índices más comunes y utilizados sino el que más, para estudiar anemias y sobretodo guiar al médico en el estudio diferencial entre anemia por deficiencia de hierro y anemia por Talasemia
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
totally agree
Paolo Casella commented
Lots of thalassemia patients
Wolfgang commented
exactly what I was looking for today in one of my top 3 medical apps on the iPhone.