Bonacini cirrosis discriminant score
The Bonacini cirrhosis discriminant score is calculated by giving points for the following parameters [50]:
●Platelets (x1000/mm3):
•>340 – zero points
•280 to 339 – one point
•220 to 279 – two points
•160 to 219 – three points
•100 to 159 – four points
•40 to 99 – five points
•<40 – six points
●Alanine aminotransferase to aspartate aminotransferase (ALT/AST) ratio:
•>1.7 – zero points
•1.2 to 1.7 – one point
•0.6 to 1.19 – two points
•<0.6 – three points
●International normalized ratio (INR):
•<1.1 – zero points
•1.1 to 1.4 – one point
•>1.4 – two points
Factors associated with a low likelihood of cirrhosis included:
●Lok index <20 percent (LR 0.09)
●Platelet count of 160,000/mm3 or higher (LR 0.29)
●Absence of hepatomegaly (LR 0.37)
The Lok index is calculated using the platelet count, AST, ALT, and INR [51]. In a validation study, when a cutoff of <20 percent was used to exclude cirrhosis, the test had a specificity of 92 percent. When a cutoff of >50 percent was used to diagnose cirrhosis, the test had a sensitivity of 85 percent.