Egy-Score for noninvasive assessmentvof hepatic fibrosis
Non-invasive methods for assessment of hepatic fibrosis are increasingly needed. We aimed at developing a new panel of surrogate biomarkers for prediction of hepatic fibrosis stage by combining CA19-9, age, alpha-2- macroglobulin, total bilirubin, platelet count & albumin in a new score “Egy-Score” using a regression equation. Egy-Score could differentiate no or early fibrosis (stage F0-F2 METAVIR) from severe fibrosis or cirrhosis (stage F3 - F4 METAVIR) with 83.7% accuracy.
Egy-Score equation:
Egy-Score = 3.52 + 0.0063 x CA19-9 (U/ml) + 0.0203 x age (year) + 0.4485 x alpha-2-macroglobulin (g/l)+ 0.0303 x bilirubin (umol/l) – 0.0048 x platelet (K/uL) – 0.0462 x albumin (g/l).
Interpretation of results:
The score of the equation (Egy-Score) correlates to the degree of fibrosis F0-F4 by METAVIR, the cut off values for significant fibrosis (≥ F2 METAVIR) is ≥ 2.91 and for severe fibrosis (≥ F3 METAVIR) is ≥ 3.28 and for severe cirrhosis (≥ F4 METAVIR) is ≥ 3.67