ABG and VBG with detailed analysis
With the current ABG Analyzer, the formula give an end result conclusion of the acid base analysis, metabolic and respiratory, and the anion gap.
It would be very helpful to give step by step approach following this conclusion. As per the Americal Thoracic Society link here
These details will provide great picture on the compensation expected, and the type of the anion gap. It would be even greater if you add these tables with the differential of each of the results.
Respiratory Acidosis (acute
Concomitant metabolic acidosis
Normal anion is elevated by 3
The Expected metabolic compensation is 3.4
The osmolar gap is 10
The ratio of the anion gap (delta AG) is 4
This combination suggest the following DDx: List
This would be very helpful in my experience and would spare me a lot of time looking for all these equation. It will add a comprehensive assessment of all these values and give a summary of results, which will easily guide diagnosis and management of these patients.
I also encourage to add the option of selecting if this an arterial / venous or mixed gas, as in many situations we assess VBG only with a reliable results for the acid base balance.
Thank you, and I don't mind getting contacted regarding the above
Zac (Australia)