NUTRIC score
nutrition risk for icu, heyland dk, critical care 2011, 15, R268

Anonymous commented
Nutrition risk in the critically ill
Anonymous commented
Apache 2
Comorbilidad ( Charlson )
Ingreso UCI
interleukina 6 -
Diego commented
Sugiro NUTRIC score
Marco commented
Nutricion y manejo control de signos
Anonymous commented
The modified NUTRIC (without IL-6) score is well validated and used in many ICUs all over the world. The calculator must include all data for calculation of APACHE II score since many ICUs use other severety scoring systems
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Nutrition in icu is reflected in the nitric score
This is a better way Tom evaluate nutritional status of patient in icu than serum albumin or prealbumin etc... -
Anonymous commented
Fórmula para cálculo de riesgo nutricional
Anonymous commented
Calculo de riesgo nutricional en UCI
Anonymous commented
Was wondering if you can create a nutric score calculator. Nutric (nutritional risk in critically ill patients).
Teresa commented
NUTRIC and NRS 2002 needed for critically ill patients
Anonymous commented
I would like to have here the NUTRIC score and the NRS 2002 score for assessment of nutrition in critical ill.
Anonymous commented
For nutritional assessment
Anonymous commented
Nutritional risk in critical care patients.
Anonymous commented
There are many nutritional formulas that could be very handy in this app!
Tom G commented
Rahman A et al., Clin Nutr 2016;35:158-162
Marcelo commented
Sugiro o Nutric Score
Anonymous commented
Estimacion del estado nutricional en pacientes críticos ...
Maca commented
1 Heyland DK, Dhaliwal R, Jiang X, Day AG. Identifying critically ill patients who benefit the most from nutrition therapy: the development and initial validation of a novel risk assessment tool. Critical Care. 2011;15(6):R268.
Anonymous commented
Calculo de riesgo de alimentación a pacientes críticos