Introducing a Better Bleeding Risk Score in Atrial Fib
Frontline Medical News, 2014 Dec 14, B Jancin
This novel score offers significant advantages over existing bleeding risk scores, including HAS-BLED and ATRIA.
The new score was derived from the ORBIT-AF registry, the largest prospective U.S. registry of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF).
The score was constructed using data on 7,411 AF patients in community practice settings at 173 U.S. sites. All subjects were on oral anticoagulant therapy at baseline. During 2 years of prospective follow-up, 581 patients (7.8%) experienced a major bleeding event as defined by International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis criteria.
Then they packaged them in a convenient acronym: ORBIT, for Older than 74, Renal insufficiency with an estimated glomerular filtration rate below 60 mL/minute per/1.73 m2, Bleeding history, Insufficient hemoglobin/hematocrit or anemia, and Treatment with an antiplatelet agent. The two strongest predictors – renal insufficiency and bleeding history– were awarded two points each; the others are worth one point each.
Link: http://www.practiceupdate.com/news/6572
Atentamente Dr. José Segura
ikd commented
This score is clinically the most accurate prediction for bleeding risk.
José Antonio Gallardo Rocha commented
Riesgo de sangrado en fibrilacion Auricular
Anonymous commented
Obri score mit platelet wäre super wenn ergänzt würde.
Anonymous commented
Orbit showed better calibration so likely to have better predictive accuracy than has-bled or atria score and only has 5 variables, making it easier to calculate in primary care setting
Obrien EC et al. Eur Heart J 2015; 36: 3258-64
Thank you
Scott Joy MD
Professor of clinical practice
University of Colorado