Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
2762 results found
1 vote
Agregar la MelasQoL
Es la escala para evaluar la calidad de vida de un paciente con Melasma (Melasma Quality of Life Scale)
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Thoracic Trauma Score
Probability to evolve towards resporatory complications after chest trauma
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1 vote
Critério para ic fração ejeçao preservada
Adicionar score H2FPEF para auxiliar no diagnostico da doença
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Widespread-Pain - Index
Weit verbreiteter Schmerzindex1 vote -
Kirby index
Es un buen parámetro que nos ayuda en pacientes de sedación y conexión a ventilación mecánica invasiva
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Score endocardite
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Grud and Wilson’s criteria
Fat embolism risk
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Surgical risk
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Maximal Inspiratory Pressure Reference Equation (Spain-Male)
61.48 * 0.66 * Age + 1.55 * BMI - 0.01 * age^2
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The Q-ADDS score (Queensland Adult Deterioration Detection System) is a physiological track and trigger system, which supports early recognition and guides appropriate escalation of care should patients be deteriorating. It provides a decision stratification tool, which helps to guide appropriate early intervention and appropriate use of MET calls. See Campbell et al 2020 - PMID 32504769
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Anästhesie Wunsch
Ariscat, Arozullah Scores bitte
Ggf weitere ICU scorings1 vote -
Plastic score
For ttp
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SNAP protocol paracetamol
Alternative protocol for management of paracetamol overdose
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Lehigh Outpatient COVID Hospitalization risk score
Predicts risk of hospitalization based on age, commodities, and presence of dyspnea.
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Fórmula para determinar riesgo de complicaciones maternas en pacientes con preclampsia
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