Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
2762 results found
For pre-anesthetic evaluation
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Shorr Score
risk score for MRSA pneumonia
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Para cálculo de indicação de tratamento adjuvante no tumor vesical não músculo invasivo
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Alternative to CIWA. Recently discussed on EM-RAP as faster than CIWA and w very good sensitivity & specificity.
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Creatinine calcium clearance calculator for ruling out familial hypocalciruic hypercalcaemia
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Índice de Truelove-Witts modificado
Enfermedad Inflamatoria intestinal
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Frac et Caroc
Pour évaluer le risque de fracture des patients.
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Screening for eating disorders
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APFEL simplified risk score
APFEL simplified risk score for paralytic ileus
RUCAM scale to estimate the probability of the drug-induced liver injury (DILI) and herb induced liver injury (HILI) online calculator
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Prognóstico renal
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Score zur Risikostratifizierung einer HFpEF bei unklarer Dyspnoe. Kriterien: Vorhofflimmern 3 Punkte, BMI >30 kg/m2 2 Punkte, Verwendung >2 Antihypertensiva 1 Punkt, pulmonale Hypertonie 1 Punkt, erhöhte Füllungsdrücke E/e‘ >9 1 Punkt, Alter >60 1 Punkt. 0-1 Punkt: HFpEF annähernd ausgeschlossen, 2-5 Punkte: weitere Diagnostik erforderlich, 6-9 Punkte: HFpEF kann relativ sicher diagnostiziert werden. >= 5 Punkte: >80% Wahrscheinlichkeit für HFpEF, >= 6 Punkte >90% Wahrscheinlichkeit für HFpEF.
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H2FPEF score
Clinical score for probability of HFpEF heart failure
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G-Gravidity = Number of pregnancies, including any current pregnancies (regardless of current gestational age)
T-Term births = Number of pregnancies carried to 37+ weeks
P-Preterm births = Number of births between 20-37 weeks
A-Abortions/Miscarriages = number of pregnancies which ended in miscarriage or abortion. Include in parity if past 20 weeks.
L-Living children = the number of living children (this is where multiples count1 vote
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