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Formula Suggestions

Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.

423 results found

  1. Android Version

    Come on, you guys, you used to have this for the Palm OS!

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  2. Geriatrics Category / Apartado Geriatria

    Se ideal que se introdujera un apartado específico de geriatria con las escalas mas utilizadas.

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  3. SCAT5

    Sport concussion assessment

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  4. 7 votes

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  5. Escala IMPROVE

    Escala evaluación riesgo sangrado

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  6. CONUT score

    An screening tool for CONtro- lling NUTritional status (CONUT) that allows an automatic daily assessment of nutritional status of all inpatients that undergo routine analysis.
    It automatically assesses the nutritional status taking into account laboratory information including serum albumin, total cholesterol level and total lymphocyte count.
    We have studied the association between the results of the Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) and Full Nutritional Assessment (FNA) with those from CONUT, in a sample of 53 individuals.
    Results: The agreement degree between CONUT and FNA as measured by kappa index is 0.669 (p = 0.003), and between CONUT and SGA is 0.488…

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  7. Critérios de Boston

    Escala diagnostica para IC

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  8. Truelove - Witts

    Sugiero disponer de este score importante para establecer actividad de la enfermedad en pacientes con Colitis Ulcerativa

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  9. Aldrete score

    Scoring system for safe discharge from a recovery area after general anesthesia

    Original score : 1970
    Aldrete et al: a postanesthetic recovery score” Anesthesia and Analgesia. 88(3):508-517
    1999 modification for ambulatory patients:
    Marshall and Chung: “Discharge criteria and complications after ambulatory surgery” Anesthesia and Analgesia. 88(3):508-517

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  10. 4 votes

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  11. diamond forrester score

    Falta o score Diamond-Forrester

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  12. TI-RADS


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  13. Mentzer index

    The index is calculated from the results of a complete blood count. If the quotient of the mean corpuscular volume (MCV, in fL) divided by the red blood cell count (RBC, in Millions per microLiter) is less than 13, thalassemia is said to be more likely.

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  14. Neonatology

    Would like neonatology section including blood gas evaluation, NO calculation, ETT size and lip level, UAC, UAC lines. Picc, per cutaneous lines, fluid calculations ml/ kg/ day with kcal. Feeding volumes, GIR fluids etc. bilirubin calculator. Code drugs with dosing calculated etc.

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  15. Functional Assessment Staging Test

    Is a validated measurement tool for a practitioner to obtain an idea about the course of Alzheimer’s Dementia. Also provides duration of function and MMSE comparison.

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  16. Score gravedad Colitis ulcerosa

    Score Trulove modificado para evaluar gravedad crisis colitis ulcerosa

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  17. Escala bierman, pierson y tal modificada

    Evaluación de dificultad respiratoria en pediatría

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  18. Riesgo de caídas

    Las caídas representan la segunda causa de muerte en todo el mundo por lesiones accidentales o no intencionales. Se calcula que anualmente se producen 37,3 millones de caídas que necesitarán atención médica, resultando mortales en el 8,8% de los casos.

    Las causas de las caídas pueden ser muy diversas y estar relacionadas con:

    Alteraciones del equilibrio.
    Problemas en la marcha.
    Pérdida de fuerza muscular.
    Trastornos cognitivos.
    Alteraciones de la visión.
    Padecer determinadas enfermedades crónicas.
    Seguir un tratamiento con psicótropos.

    O bien a aspectos relacionados con las condiciones del entorno, como:

    Suelos resbaladizos.
    Iluminación insuficiente.
    Superficies irregulares.
    Calzado y ropa inapropiados.…

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  19. 3 votes

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  20. Truelove- witts

    Fórmula para clasificación de severidad para colitis ulcerosa

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