Stewart model for acid-base disorders
Formulas to calculate SID and Atot can be found here :
A review of the interest of this model can be found here :
Anonymous commented
Strong ion gap (Stewarttechnique) is far superior to traditional method in explanation of acid base disorders. It is also useful in certain unique conditions where traditional method may show a falsely normal number. Having this in your calculator will ensure thT more practitioners use this great technique
Anonymous commented
Stewart's method of acid base
(Base Deficit) + (Strong Ion Difference-38) + 2.5(4.2-Albumin) - Lactate
R commented
Makes accessing this method easy if you add it!
DrZarpao commented
So much importante formula for work in experimental ICU in university
Joachim commented
Strong ion différence
= [HCO3-]+[Albumine x (0,123 x pH - 0,631) + phosphore x (0,309 x pH - 0,469) = 40 +/- 2 meq/L
Very usefull for acidobasic troubles in intensive care.