El Mortality Probability Admission Model en su tercera versión (MPM0-III) valora de forma individual a cada paciente con excelente bondad de ajuste de la prueba
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External validation of SAPS 3 and MPM0-III scores in 48,816 patients from 72 Brazilian ICUs
Giulliana Martines Moralez, Ligia Sarmet Cunha Farah Rabello, [...], and On Behalf of the ORCHESTRA Study Investigators
Prospective validation of the intensive care unit admission Mortality Probability Model (MPM0-III)*
Critical Care Medicine. 37(5):1619-1623, MAY 2009
Thomas L. Higgins; Andrew A. Kramer; and 4 mire
DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e31819ded31