BAC Calculator
Blood Alcohol Content calculator from gender, weight and drinks that were consumed in a given time.
Scudi commented
Es actualmente la forma de medir la cantidad de alcohol q se consume de forma habitual
Anonymous commented
I think is a good idea¡,,
Edgar commented
Promille is calculated as:
AlcoholPercent x x DensityOfAlcohol(g/ml) = gramm.Alcohol x [ Female.60% or Male.70% ] =
gramm.Alcohol / = Promille.Alcohol
Promille.Alcohol x 100 = alcohol level in millilitres
0,5 L beer = 500 ml
Alcohol% = 5%500ml * 5% * 0,8 g/ml = 20 g Alcohol
Man = 80 kg
70% water content of body80 kg * 70% = 56 kg Water
20g / 56kg = 0,35 Promille Alcohol