IMPROVE risk model for VTE prevention
Vale commented
Improve: para calcular riesgo de sangrado en tromboprofilaxis
Abe commented
Dear Sirs, could you add this score to the list?
Savio commented
Escore de sangramento...
Anonymous commented
Risk of bleeding with prophylactic anticoagulation.
Anonymous commented
Score to determine whether Dvt prophet needed for hospitalized pt's
Anonymous commented
for dvt prophylaxis
Anonymous commented
Bleeding score for DVt prophylaxis
Paulo commented
Risco pra trombose venosa profunda
Anonymous commented
Riesgo de tromboembolismo paciente hospitalizado
Luis Vargas commented
Escala IMPROVE para tromboembolismo venoso ( International Medical Prevencion registry of Venoys Tromboembolism)
The PADUA score has already quite some votes (see here:, so I've merged this into the IMPROVE proposal to boost it a bit.