Modern anaesthesia machines calculate the MAC according to the above formula for one other gas +/- N2O. As it is quite a complicated formula it would be handy to only have to put in
endtidal gas 1
endtidal gas 2
endtidal N2O
into MedCalc to get the combined MAC value when you have to use a machine that doesn't.
Oh and it would be nice not only to be able to calculate the standard MAC but also the MAC(aware), the average anaesthetic concentration at which 50% of patients regain awareness. So far I couldn't find MAC(40,aware) values though.
MAC(Alter, Gas)=MAC(40, Gas)*10^
MAC(AGas, N2O)=(Konz AGas et/MAC(Alter, AGas))+(Konz N2O et/MAC(Alter, N2O))
Halothan 0,77%
Enfluran 1,70%
Isofluran 1,15%
Desfluran 6,65%
Sevofluran 2,10%
N2O 105%
Modern anaesthesia machines calculate the MAC according to the above formula for one other gas +/- N2O. As it is quite a complicated formula it would be handy to only have to put in
endtidal gas 1
endtidal gas 2
endtidal N2O
into MedCalc to get the combined MAC value when you have to use a machine that doesn't.
Oh and it would be nice not only to be able to calculate the standard MAC but also the MAC(aware), the average anaesthetic concentration at which 50% of patients regain awareness. So far I couldn't find MAC(40,aware) values though.