Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
1 vote
PE mortality prediction score
HOPPE score accurately identifies acute patients with PE at low risk of short-term mortality, right ventricular dysfunction, and other nonfatal outcomes.
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Algoplus et doloplus
Échelle hétéro-évaluation de la douleur
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Formula de Bergström
Cálculo de la aparición de nitrógeno proteico normalizado.
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Néphropathie induite par le produit de contraste
Mehran R et al, J Am Coll Cardiol 2004; 44: 1393-1399
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Score de doença coronariana validade para as populações brasileiras
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No Caprini Score in Chinese version
No caprini score
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Down score
Its a tool to evaluate respiratory distress on neonates other than the silverman anderson score. Here in indonesia, its widely used
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Limiting a blood alcohol to 200 mg% is unrealistic in our patients
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Classification hémorroïdes internes
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Mortalität Herzinsuffizienz
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Função renal
Kinetic eGFR
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Just described in JAMA
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Score severidad de Gangrena de Fournier
El FGSI (Fournier Gangrene Severity Index)
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