Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4690 results found
Hi there, I’d like to have here the Vocal-Penn calculator to predict post-op mortality for patients with cirrhosis
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Dolor torácico en urgencia sin biomarcadores
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Score zu Erkennung/Einschätzung einer Sepsis
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Anthony den score
Para evaluar la necesidad de antibióticos en exacerbaciones de époc
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Score2 oder Score2Op
Risikostratifizierung kardiovaskulärer Ereignisse bei erhöhtem RR1 vote -
Integration in den Einheiten-Rechner (Chemie): GOT, GPT, Gamma-GT , AP von konventionellen Einheiten (U/l) in SI-Einheiten.
1 vote -
Trip vas-y
Score de thromboprophylaxie pour les immobilisations plâtrée
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Riesgo preoperatorio respiratorio
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1 vote
falta score de burch-wartofsky
falta score de burch-wartofsky
para tormenta tiroidea1 vote -
Système d’évaluation des dommages radio-induits, fait (et disponible en ligne) par l’IRSN.
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NEWS Sepsis Screening Tool
This tool has been updated to follow the same format as UK Sepsis Trust Sepsis Screening Tool. It is vital that all staff are familiar with the updated version. When screening a patient for Sepsis please take time to read each question carefully. ALL patients that score a NEWS > 5 require a sepsis screen and if positive the SEPSIS 6 in 60 actions to be completed within 60 minutes.
Please1 vote -
Chronotropic Index
CPET Index
(peak HR-baseline HR/predicted HR - baseline HR) / (peak VO2-baseline VO2/predicted HR-baseline HR)
<0.6 ?beta blockade
1.3 chronotropic incompetence
1 vote -
Truelove & Witts)
Classificação da retocolite ulcerativa (RCU) quanto à gravidade do surto agudo.
1 vote -
H2FPEF is an essential score nowadays please add it!
1 vote -
Necesario para evaluación rapida e intuitiva de Edad Gestacional
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Escala de estatificación de riesgo cardiovascular en población mexicana
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Agregar los criterios de bajo riesgo de Rochester para los síndromes febriles
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Hacer score
Score HACOR , para determinar si la ventilación mecánica no invasiva será exitosa o fallida .
1 vote -
Kidney failure risk calculation
2 votes
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