Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
150 results found
47 votes
31 votes
The Tubular PO4 Resorption (TRP) calculator would be enhanced tremendously by taking the arithmetic forward to the logical and clinically relevant conclusion: the tubular maximum resorption of phosphate, TmP/GFR. This would really benefit from an automatic calculation because TmP/GFR is calculated in two different ways depending on the TRP value.
1. When TRP is less than 0.86, TmP/GFR is simply TRP x serum phosphate.
2. When TRP is greater than 0.86, TmP/GFR is [serum phosphate][0.3TRP/(1-0.8TRP)A web calculator is here: normal range is here: votes -
Add Ideal Body Weight option to Cockcroft
The Cockcroft-Gault formula can be extended with a height field so that it also calculates the GFR based on ideal weight: votes -
Improvement of the Obstetric Wheel
I purchased this App to make use of Obstetric wheel among others. I would like to recommend that when patients are stored with obstetric information using LMP, when it is loaded to give you an updated Gestational Age (GA), I mean current GA not same age it was when the data was entered. The age updates automatically so please make the gestational age also update automatically also give the option to arrange from lower GA to higher GA or vice versa. It makes easier to manage patients at a glance. I would very much appreciate it if could be done.
10 votesGreat idea, I like it!
Hodges formula (QTc)
Hi i would like to suggest hodges formula for correcting qt interval when the heart rhythm is irregular
Hodges formula: QTC = QT + 1.75 (heart rate – 6)
8 votes -
Chronic Kidney Disease - KDIGO
The app has KDIGO classification for Acute Kidney Disease but lacks the Chronic Disease classification. Please look page 9:
Thanks a lot! Excellent app!7 votes -
7 votes
Qtc by heart rate, not RR
Hey. RR interval is directly related to heart rate but is not something I regularly calculate. The formula should allow using Rate
7 votes -
7 votes
7 votes
HScore (COVIS19)
Fórmula de nombre HScore para el síndrome hemofagocitico que se ha visto de utilidad para el COVID19
7 votes -
MEESSI-AHF is a risk model to predict 30-day mortality in patients attending Emergency Departments (ED) with a diagnosis of Acute Heart Failures (AHF).
The MEESSI-AHF score was derived on 4867 consecutive AHF patients admitted to Spanish ED during 2009-2011, and then validated in 3229 consecutive AHF patients during 2014. (Note patients also with ST elevation myocardial infarction are excluded)
The MEESSI-AHF risk model includes 13 variables readily available on arrival to Emergency Department. The 40% of patients classified as LOW RISK (30-day mortality: <2%) should be considered as potential candidates to be early discharged from Emergency Department without admission after…
7 votes -
Add Brooke to Parkland
It would be nice to have parkland and brooke formulas
7 votes -
AHA/ACC lifetime risk
This should be part of the 10yr pooled risk calculator to include the lifetime risk for patients <40yrs
6 votes -
Improvement to allowable blood loss formula
The allowable blood loss formula doesn't address adjustments for obese patients, who may have a blood volume of 40 ml/kg or lower. It would be wonderful if the MedCalc formula incorporated the results of "Estimating Blood Volume in Obese and Morbidly Obese Patients," Lemmens et al Obesity Surgery 2006 Jun;16(6):773-6. (
Thank you for making and maintaining MedCalc - it is a fantastic, easy-to-use resource for practice and teaching!
6 votes -
Diagnosis calculators based on LR (EBM)
I have a collection o formulas and clinical prediction rules that can be easily implemented in medcalc.
I suggest to make medcalc above and beyond others. It could be a very basic medical assistant calculator for decision making support
6 votes -
Sería importante incluir el cálculo del riesgo embolico bien sea la escala Pretemed (o la de Padua).
5 votes -
Catheterization Risk Score for Pediatrics
5 votes -
Corrected phenytoin (renal failure)
Corrected phenytoin calculation for renal failure patients.
[corrected pheny] = [measured pheny]/[(0.1 x measured albumin) + 0.1]Currently implemented formula:
[corrected pheny] = [measured pheny]/[(0.2 x measured albumin) + 0.1]5 votes
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