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Formula Suggestions

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4681 results found

  1. Tanaka's formula

    Formula used to calculate maximal heart rate in people aged over 60

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  2. Amsterdam criteria

    Amsterdam criteria for diagnosis of Lynch syndrome

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  3. Sparc calculator

    Calculation of risk of cva on different types of anticoagulants and risk of bleed vs risks with no therapy.

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  4. ATRIA stroke risk score

    The new ATRIA stroke risk score seems to be better than CHADS VASC to distinguish low risk individuals that won't benefit from anticoagulation when AF is present.

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  5. Wristcalc

    Predice mal unión en pacientes con fractura del radio distal
    Descrito por McQueen

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  6. 4 votes

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  7. GERD-Q Score

    A six question diagnostic score to diagnose GERD

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  8. Sigstad's Scoring System

    For dumping syndrome

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  9. 4 votes

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  10. MACE score

    An excellent pre-op algorithm. Needs to be in this app.

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  11. IVC Collapsibility Index

    CI = (diamIVCmax - diam IVCmin)/diamIVCmax x100 = Collapsibility Index%

    Source: Zhang, Joe, et al. Interior vena cava ultrasonography before general anesthesia can predict hypotension after induction

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  12. eCART

    Critical care

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  13. Schiodt score

    Predict the risk of hepatic encephalopathy.

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  14. ADAPT protocol for cardiac events

    Accelerated diagnostic pathway for work-up of suspected ACS

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  15. 4 votes

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  16. (Berg Balance Scale) L’échelle d’évaluation de l’équilibre de Berg

    pour mesurer l’équilibre statique et dynamique chez les adultes dans le but de dépister les personnes à risque de chute
    peut aussi servir à identifier les personnes qui peuvent marcher sans aide à la marche et à prédire les difficultés que pourraient éprouver certains individus dans les activités de la vie quotidienne

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  17. Roach Formula

    Prostate cancer

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  18. 4 votes

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  19. Sugarbaker's Peritoneal Cancer Index (PCI)

    Prediction of optimal cytorreduction in laparotomy for ovarian cancer.

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  20. Recist


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