Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
Well being Index (WHO)
Kurzfragebogen zur Depression
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BetaHCG nomogram
Similar to the Neonatal Jaundice nomograms I have a colleague who was created a nomogram for normal serum BetaHCG levels based on GA.
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Trotter & Gleser regression formulae
Statistical regression formulae for the calculation of stature estimates from human long bones.
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Cooper - kettle vaporizer gas concentration
For anesthesiologists:
Copper Kettle Math
•VO: Vapor Output (mL/min)
•CG: Carrier Gas Flow (mL/min)
•VP: Vapor Pressure (mmHg)
•BP: Barometric Pressure (760mmHg)
•VAA%: Volatile Anesthetic Agent ConcentrationVO = CG x VP VO = Total Gas Flow
BP – VP VAA%1 vote -
Dient zur Beurteilung der Vergiftungsschwere und erlaubt einen Vergleich der verschiedenen Vergiftungen und deren gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen.
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1 vote
Kindly add the mUnit/min measurements for titration; for example for oxytocin.
Thanks1 vote -
1 vote
Modified winter-Tozer formula
There is new article on phenytoin. Annals of Pharmacology 2013 May Vol 47 page 628-635
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Post MI with pci
Can you add Cadillac risk score ?
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Es wäre Hepatitis-Labor-Diagnostik wünschenswert
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Adjuvant online
For oncologists planning chemo
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Tikosin calculator
Please get a tikosyn calculator
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Gravida para &/or TPal quick entry
A quick reference or data entry tool to quickly calculate gravida para in obstetrics
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EBMT Score
Gratwohl et al. The EBMT risk score. Bone marrow transplantation. 2011
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Osmolarity (Zander)
Osmolarity by Zander
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Principales tóxicos
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Score GTN
2002 score of trophoblastic neoplasia by FIGO and ISSTD
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Score utilisé en France dans les indications de transplantation hépatique sur carcinome hépatocellulaire.
1 vote
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