Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4715 results found
Validated Chest pain risk stratification
Thank you,
Baylor University Medical Ctr, DallasTX1 vote -
HIT Expert Probability Score (HEP)
Alternative Pre-test clinical scoring model for HIT
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Équation de Laurier
Le test de Framingham est adapté à la population américaine. Impossible d'avoir un résultat correct pour la France ou l'Europe. Il faut utiliser l'équation de Laurier
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Miss visual infusion phlebitis score!!
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VACS índex in HIV
Please add formulas concerning HIV AIDS
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Risk stratifications
For ct scan with iv contrast, risk assessment for contrast induced neph using mccullough
Post cardiac surgery risk for kidney injury:
Thakar mehta and sri1 vote -
Would be great if you'd add a GBS r(group b strep) risk calculator for my preggers patients thx
1 vote -
Add these? rdai & chwrs
says it all
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1 vote
JT index
JTI= JT(HR+100)/518
Used to determine ventricular repolarization in ventricular conduction defects in place of QTc.1 vote -
Fatigue risk management score
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Normal rates for cholesterol
It would be good to include the:
Castelli Index = Total Cholesterol / HDL
Normal values should be < 4,5
1 vote -
Warfarin Algorithm
-clinical algorithm: exp[0.613 ? (0.0075 ¿age in years) + (0.156 ¿black race) + (0.108 ¿smokes) + (0.425 ¿body surface area in m2) ? (0.257 ¿amiodarone use) + (0.216 ¿target INR) + (0.0784 ¿DVT/PE as indication for warfarin therapy)
1 vote -
Left shift
CBC---neutrophils mature to immature
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TBC in children
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Home- Index
Quotient aus Nüchtern- BZ und Nüchterninsulinspiegel als Hinweis auf Insulinresistenz
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