STS (cardiovascular surgery risk)
STS = Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Companion Score of the Euroscore. Predicted Risk of Mortality (PROM).
I’m afraid that we’re unable to implement STS for now. It is copyrighted and would require us to become “certified STS vendors” which is an absolutely ridiculous process:
Curro commented
Anonymous commented
Para risco de mortlidade de cirurgia de revascularização do miocardio
Anonymous commented
Yes, i agree that is very important web have this calculator here
Web version here: -
Oscar Gómez commented
Score de riesgo para cirugía cardiaca
Vitor Agueda commented
Escore para cirurgia cardíaca
Anonymous commented
The Society of thorac surgeons online risk calculator
Iván commented
Sería fundamental contar con la posibilidad de calcular el STS score para pacientes candidatos a cirugía cardíaca.
I’m afraid that we’re unable to implement STS. It is copyrighted and would require us to become “certified STS vendors” which is an absolutely ridiculous process:
Anonymous commented
Yes please add STS score calculator. You have the EuroScore. It would be a great addition for screening TAVR patients.
Thanks Bruna. But I’m afraid that we’re unable to implement STS. It is copyrighted and would require us to become “certified STS vendors” which is an absolutely ridiculous process:
Anonymous commented
Yes, please update to included STS risk. It is a very frequently used calculation in some specialties.
Vasco commented
I agree also with the comment!
Stu commented
This would be a very helpful calculator to have on medcalc. It seems strange that you have EUROscore but not STS.