Pediatric Growth Charts
We get a lot of requests for growth charts, but adding a complete charts solution is outside of the scope of MedCalc. A standalone growth charts app done by me at Boston Children's Hospital is now available for free:
However, we are considering adding percentile/Z-score calculators.

ACT test for asthma commented
Has to be cultural/ geographical/ ethnically appropriate
Flo commented
Kindliche Gewichts- und Größenperzentilen wären sehr hilfreich ;-)
Ansonsten geniale App! Vielen Dank! -
Domingos Medeiros commented
1. Tabela de peso e estatura (percentil 50) utilizando como ...
Curvas de percentis: como interpretar | CUF
Curvas de Crescimento OMS - DAB - Ministério da Saúde -
Dr. Juan Manuel Arellano commented
Fórmula de acceso rápido para calcular peso adecuado para infantes, menores de 6 años.
Anonymous commented
Type in age and it generates normal vital signs for the age
J Fiddy commented
Please just do a calculator where you can enter in age, weight, length, (weight for length), head circumference, and blood pressure, and get the percentiles for kids.
Anonymous commented
Sería bueno que incluyeran las tablas de peso/talla, peso/edad, talla/edad recomendadas por la OMS para pediatría pediatría, que nos muestre el Z-Score y en que perecentil está.
ed.traver commented
Fenton growth calculator.
Rod commented
Centiles and z-scores are useful even with out charts and less data intensive.
Useful include for BP related to height, sex and age.
Hgt, wgt, BMI for age and sex- WHO and CDC -
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to plug in the age, sex and growth parameters to get percentiles.
David Newmam commented
The only one I know is Works well. Wish it were available for Android.
A standalone pediatric growth chart app by me and Boston Children's Hospital is now available for free:
Maybe we'll implement the percentile calculator into MedCalc, the graphical charts however will most likely not.
Jairo8706 commented
Come on! This is basic for the Pediatric consultation...
Thanks in Advance -
Is there one that you specifically like? I haven't found very good ones yet.
Anonymous commented
There are apps that do this already.
Anonymous commented
Please, consider building an app for this! It would be awesome!