Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
1 vote
Surgical risk calculator new one
1 vote -
Sugiero el CURB -65 ampliado.
1 vote -
Functional Assessment Staging Test
Is a validated measurement tool for a practitioner to obtain an idea about the course of Alzheimer’s Dementia. Also provides duration of function and MMSE comparison.
3 votes -
Il manque l’échelle de dépression de Hamilton
6 votes -
2 votes
6 votes
1 vote
1 vote
2 votes
CORB for pneumonia
C, confusion
O, O2 < 90%
R, RR > 30
B, SBP < 90 or DBP < 602 votes -
Indice de Kirby
Índice de Kirby = PaO2/Fio2
En % el FiO2 se multiplica x 1001 vote -
Bitte Formel hinzufügen
11 votes -
CIN risk calculator
By Mehran from American College of Cardiology journal.
1 vote -
Quantification séquelles thrombotiques veineuses membre inf
2 votes -
This is a very well validated score for assessing symptoms and response to treatment in chronic rhinosinusitis with or without polyps
2 votes -
diamond forrester score
Falta o score Diamond-Forrester
4 votes -
2 votes
índice de Kirby
2 votes -
Clinical opiate withdrawal scale
2 votes
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