Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
Índice de vulnerabilidade clínico funcional
Classificação de risco para idosos
1 vote -
2 votes
Mitchell index
Mortality risk
3 votes -
Roger risk score
Probabilidad de TEP
1 vote -
Kdpi, Dcd score
Kidney donor profile index
Donor after cardiac death (tool for predicting progression to cardiac death)6 votes -
3 votes
Escore de risco cardiovascular perioperatório de cirurgia não cardíaca sugerido pela 3ª diretriz da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia
1 vote -
Score de brasfield
Évaluation radiographie de la fibrose kystique basé sur
1. Distension pilmonaire
2. Anomalies linéaires
3. Atélectasies et infiltrat
4. Lésions nodulo-kystiques
5. Impression générale de gravité.
Chaque critère vaut 0-5 points. Total 252 votes -
Morisky score
Score to assess compliance with cardiovascular medication. votes -
1 vote
2 votes
Prophylactic anticoagulation un patients with membranous nephropathy
1 vote -
Modified Rodnan skin score
For scoring of skin in systemic sclerosis
2 votes -
3 votes
The score we are advised to use in favor of CENTOR now
1 vote -
PrescriptionOpioid Misuse Index.
Réf. : Knisely JS et al. Prescription Opioid Misuse Index: a brief questionnaire to assess Misuse. Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2008;35:380-6
1 vote -
Prediction of early recurrent thromboembolic event and major bleeding in patients with acute stroke and atrial fibrillation by a risk stratification schema.
See doi: 10.1161/strokeaha.116.015770
Age ≥80 years - 2 points
Age 70 to 79 years - 1 point
Ischemic index lesion >1.5 cm - 1 point
Severe atrial enlargement - 1 point
Score >2 was found to be correlated with ischaemic outcome events but not with hemorrhagic outcome events.1 vote -
Referred Pain Associations.
There are known referred pain patterns, ex: tenderness at McBurney’s Point in LLQ suggests acute appendicitis. The dermatome map doesn’t cover this.
Thanks and Regards.
B. Sheardown. M1, Rady College of Medicine.1 vote -
1 vote
1 vote
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