Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
1 vote
5 votes
Prothrombin, PPSB
Berechnung des Prothrombin-Bedarfes
PPSB (IE) = (Ziel-Quick - Ist-Quick)kg KG/2
5 votes -
6 votes
Ireton-Jones kCal calculations
Please add revised Ireton-jones calculation. Thx
10 votes -
Avaliação de risco cirúrgico
6 votes -
Indice de Garcés
Para estimar la gravedad del paciente quemado. (Burn severity score)
12 votes -
Impact score
Prognosis in tbi
6 votes -
Index algo-dysfonctionnel de Lequesne
Pour le diagnostic, les indications thérapeutiques et le suivi des arthroses de la hanche et du genou.
Index très important pour cette pathologie, et relativement simple à mettre en place. Celui proposé par le COFEMER est particulièrement bien fait.
Merci d'avance et bon weekend!2 votes -
Resting metabolic state (rmr)
Obesity medicine
2 votes -
Marburg Herz Score
Zur Einschätzung der ACS Wahrscheinlichkeit
35 votes -
Score for DVT treatment duration.
64 votes -
Fecha de ovulación- apartado de ginecología
Calcular fecha de ovulación
2 votes -
CKiD 2012
Formula for estimating GFR in children
2 votes -
Tutoriel pour la cotation de la douleur de l'enfant avec l'échelle EVENDOL
5 votes -
Crohn's disease endoscopic índex of severity CDEIS
Commonly used endoscopy score for Crohn's disease
8 votes -
11 votes
EHRA Score
Symptomatic score in atrial fibrillation.
46 votes -
Prediction model for GBS to predict the likelihood of respiratory failure.
13 votes -
Framingham General Cardiovascular Risk (2008)
The Framingham Study Group published a new cardiovascular risk score in 2008. It is currently used by the Brazilian Cardiology Society. The original article is "General Cardiovascular Risk Profile for Use in Primary Care"
7 votesThis was included in MedCalc 2.0 but dropped in favor of ACC/AHA ASCVD risk. We’re looking into bringing it back.
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