Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4686 results found
Score de Rosso
Rosso et al, Heart 2008
1 vote -
I would like the Hoehn and Yahr scale and UPDRS for Parkinson' Disease
See above: Hoehn and Yahr Scale and UPDRS
(misspellings: UPDSR, UDPSR)
56 votes -
Easter formula
Rib fracture scoring system to advise best analgesic strategy
1 vote -
Criterios de McLaren (desnutrición Marasmo VS Kwashiorkor)
Diagnóstico de desnutrición en niños
2 votes -
Serio muito útil se houvesse uma categoria para a Radiologia, contendo formulas como "Hepatic Steatosis MRI Calculator"; "Estimate of spleen volume on CT or MRI, splenic index "; "Liver iron quantification by MRI"; "Adrenal washout", entre muitas outras!!!
2 votes -
O-Possum score
For oesophago-gastric surgery
2 votes -
5 votes
The FORE calculator for osteoporosis fracture risk
Assess need for dexa scan and risk of fractures concerning osteoporosis.
6 votes -
7 votes
Índice de severidad individual (ISI)
Permite establecer el pronóstico individual en pacientes con daño renal agudo
2 votes -
1 vote
HAIR score
Scoring system using independent risk factors for NASH in patients with severe obesity
1 vote -
Gastroparesis Cardinal Symptom Index
Used to screen for gastroparesis.
1 vote -
2 votes
Plasma aldosterone / renin activity ratio
Aldosterone-to-renin ratio (ARR) is the mass concentration of aldosterone divided by the plasma renin activity in blood plasma. The aldosterone/renin ratio is recommended as screening tool for primary hyperaldosteronism.[1]
11 votes -
IPID (Índice Predictivo de Intubación Difícil)
Predictive index of difficult intubation joins all predictors of difficult airway (Mallampati, chin-to-chin distance, chin-sternum distance, mandibular protusion).
3 votes -
Android Version
Come on, you guys, you used to have this for the Palm OS!
234 votes -
10 votes
Pneumonia severity score
Age (male>70, female >75)
Dehydration (BUN> 210mg/L)
Respiratory failure (spO2 <= 90%)
Orientation disturbance (confusion)
low blood Pressure (SPB <= 90 mm Hg)1 vote -
1 vote
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