Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4686 results found
Índice de Clark
Lesão inalatória no queimado
1 vote -
27 votes
PAMI II Criteria
The PAMI II criteria identify low-risk patients for early discharge after STEMI with successful PTCA
7 votes -
1 vote
Nagueh formula
PCWP = 1.24 * (E/e') + 1,9 Estimation of PCWP by measuring the transmitral E wave and the early diastolic mitral plane velocity
10 votes -
1 vote
19 votes
1 vote
Clasificación Forrester
Clasificación of THE severity of cardiogenic shock. Gives mortality %
13 votes -
1 vote
Caption score
Risk assessment tool for VTE
1 vote -
Psoriasis epidemiological screening tool (PEST)
To screen for psoriatic arthritis
5 votes -
1 vote
Frühe Mortaliät bei Endocarditis - OP versus Konservativ Medikamentöse Therapie
0 votes -
Berechnung des Blutalkohols
(E. M. P. Widmark: Die theoretischen Grundlagen und die praktische Verwendbarkeit der gerichtlich-medizinischen Alkoholbestimmung. Urban und Schwarzenberg, Berlin Wien (1932))17 votes -
Aortic and mitral valve area (semplified HAKKI formula)
I propose to implement valve area evaluation with HAKKI formula (circulation 1981,63:1050-1055).
In addition, if is it possible, it will be usefull to have tables parameters for TAVI (ie Core valve and Edwards)
AD3 votes -
TPN estimated osmolarity
I am suggesting to add TPN estimated osmolarity
4 votes -
1 vote
Liver transplant
1 vote -
CVD-risc: Morise-Score and/or Tables of Diamond and Forrester
Evaluation of CVD Pretest Propability by "Morise-Score" and/or "Tables of Diamond and Forrester".
Helpful with AP-Patients to determine their risc for a CVD-Disease and what Examination to do next (ergometry, MPS, stress-Echo, koronary angiografy etc)...
See swiss medical forum 29/30 (print 1424-3784 or online 1424-4020).
27 votes
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