Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4686 results found
Heparin infusion protocol
For patients with initial anticiagulatory therapy with heparin by continuous infusion.
42 votes -
13 votes
Ballard exam
Neonatal exam that estimates gestational age when there has been no prenatal US to confirm dates.
54 votes -
1 vote
24 votes
Score de riesgo de complicaciones en mastectomía
1 vote -
Residual Breast Cancer score.
1 vote -
BleedMAP score
Bleeding risk in anti coagulated patients going for surgery
24 votes -
59 votes
Brighton Criteria
1 vote -
Escore para extubação
Escala de Ferrari-Tadini, é muito útil na Sala de Emergência e UTI.
1 vote -
Oesil score for sincope
The OESIL score is a rapid stratification of mortality risk in patients with sincope
35 votes -
Échelle CHEOPS
Évaluation de la douleur en pédiatrie entre 1 et 5 ans
1 vote -
Paciente neuro crítico
1 vote -
Avaliação paciente neuro crítico
1 vote -
Escala GYM
Predictor en sepsis
1 vote -
Calculo de déficit de Albumina
( proteína total deseada en g/l – proteína total actual en g/l) x volumen plasmático en litros* x 2
*El volumen plasmático fisiológico es aproximadamente 40ml/k de peso corporal.
1 vote -
The "Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index", useful in rheumatology.
43 votes -
Prognostic factors in cardiogenic shock
1 vote -
Diabetes Risk Calculator
Calculator to determinate which patients screen for diabetes
3 votes
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