Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4685 results found
Prognosticator for trauma survival
31 votes -
1 vote
Schiodt score
Predict the risk of hepatic encephalopathy.
4 votes -
Rehydration Therapy
Calculating deficit
1 vote -
Pittsburgh infant brain injury score
Pediatrics 2006 Jul; (e-pub). Http://
2 votes -
Heliox true flow
What is the true flow of Heliox being delivered to patient.
70/301 vote -
Yale observational scale
Scoring system for fever in children.
22 votes -
Identificación de comorbilidades y su impacto pronóstico
1 vote -
1 vote
1 vote
Score de marbrures
Le Score de marbrure est simple et utilise en rea, validé...
Ce serait sympa de l'ajouter à votre excellente application.Cordialement,
1 vote -
Valoración del estado de salud en ancianos previo a procedimientos cardiacos.
2 votes -
1 vote
1 vote
1 vote
26 votes
Glucose infusion rate calc
Glucose infusion rate is used with any Dextrose or Central parenteral nutrition infusion for neonates to adults, in mg/kg/min
See: votes -
Beck depression scale
Pierce-Beck suicide risk score.
While we're at it, also add a "Psychiatry" category?
20 votes -
24 votes
GERD-Q Score
A six question diagnostic score to diagnose GERD
4 votes
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