Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4685 results found
Hola. Me gustaría que agregaran fórmulas para covid como RALE, Co-rads, Call Score. Etcéteras
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2 votes
Pre- Operatorio
Avaliacao cardiologica pre- operatoria, Escore de EMAPO
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Fórmula de Yesavage
Para valorar depresión en el adulto mayor
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Fórmula para lesão renal aguda
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Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence
The Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence: a revision of the Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire
T. F. Heatherton, L. T. Kozlowski, R. C. Frecker and K. O. Fagerstrom
Br J Addict 1991 Vol. 86 Issue 9 Pages 1119-27
Accession Number: 1932883 DOI: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.1991.tb01879.x
We examine and refine the Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire (FTQ: Fagerstrom, 1978). The relation between each FTQ item and biochemical measures of heaviness of smoking was examined in 254 smokers. We found that the nicotine rating item and the inhalation item were unrelated to any of our biochemical measures and these two items were primary contributors to psychometric deficiencies…
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Shock index
Gravité d’un patient en état de choc chez le polytraumatisé
PA MOYENNEINDEX >> 0,9 : mortalité élevée
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Quick Covid-19 Severity Index (qCSI)
Predicts 24-hr risk of critical respiratory illness in patients admitted from ED with COVID-19.
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Rox index
Spo2/FiO2 ( en pourcentage) /FR
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1 vote
1 vote
2HELP2B score
risk of seizures in EEG
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Mcahon score
McMahon score: risk prediction score for renal failure or mortality among patients with rhabdomyolysis
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1 vote
Validación del cribado nutricional Malnutrition Screening Tool comparado con la valoración nutricional completa y otros cribados en distintos ámbitos sociosanitarios
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MST ( Malnutrition Screening Tool)
Validación del cribado nutricional Malnutrition Screening Tool comparado con la valoración nutricional completa y otros cribados en distintos ámbitos sociosanitarios
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2 votes
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For opiate withdrawal
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Calcul pour les besoins en fer iv
Formule ganzoni1 vote
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