Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4686 results found
Maximalpuls nach Edwards
So etwas wäre nett. ;)
1 vote -
1 vote
Lake Louise Questionnaire
Ajouter le score pour le MAM
2 votes -
Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction
Simplified Quinones Equation for instance.
Sometimes in the surgical center we have older ultrasounds that cannot execute Doppler calculations. A simple ejection fraction calculation would be quite useful in our POC strategy.1 vote -
ROX Index
Predictor of HFNC success in acute hypoxemic respiratory failure. Roca et al, AJCCM 2018
2 votes -
HACOR score
Predictive of NIV success. Duan et al, Intensive Care Medicine 2017
2 votes -
2 votes
Added calculator for profile
Ecmo ratio
1 vote -
1 vote
Frax para osteoporose
2 votes -
Nadler Formel
Welte M, Zacharowski K: der individuelle Transfusionstrigger:
Anaesthes Intensivmed 2018;59: 132-144
DOI: 10.19224/ai2018.132Berechnung des maximal tolerierbaren Blutverlustes
1 vote -
Vocal Penn Score
Rechner für postoperative Mortalität bei Zirrhose
3 votes -
Para pie diabetico, mas especifico que wagner
1 vote -
Rehabilitation Complexity Scale
1 vote -
Para evaluar riesgo de lesión renal aguda postexposicion a medio de contraste
0 votes -
Útil para evaluar gravedad en pacientes COVID
1 vote -
Magellan Score
Cumulative anticholinergic effect of meds
1 vote -
1 vote
Classificação WIFi
Sugiro a adição da classificação WIFI da sociedade americana de cirurgia vascular para classificação de risco de amputação em pacientes isquemicos
2 votes -
Formula de brzycki
Incluir para el calculo de repeticion maxima en ejercicios de fuerza en personas mayores
1 vote
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