Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4687 results found
SINS score
Validated score for determining stability/instability of the spine with metastatic disease.
1 vote -
VBAC calculator
It would be great to see you one of the VBAC calculators to predict likelihood of successful vaginal birth after previous C-section.
1 vote -
Vocal penn score
Please include this score in the app, thank you very much
1 vote -
Para nodulos tireoideanosn
1 vote -
Brescia Covid
Escala de severidad para COVID 19
10 votes -
Score Berlín
Buenos días.. hoy en día, es necesario tener la escala de Berlín para SIRA debido a la alta demanda de pacientes contagiados por SARS COV 2 y que ameritan manejo avanzado de la vía aérea por complicaciones relacionadas a dicha enfermedad nueva.
Por lo anterior, deseo q pronto tengamos esta escala predictora. Muchas Gracias.3 votes -
National Early Warning Score (NEWS)
National Early Warning Score (NEWS)
Determines the degree of illness of a patient and prompts critical care intervention11 votes -
Covid prognostic score
1 vote -
IMPROVE. Se utiliza para evaluar el riesgo de sangrado en profilaxis de TEV
1 vote -
Canadian Syncope Risk Score
Implementation if the
Canadian Syncope Risk ScoreThis new score can be very helpful!
Thanks a lot5 votes -
1 vote
EHRA symptom scale
Evalúa severidad de los síntomas en Fibrilación auricular
1 vote -
Pim e prima
Sugiro acrescenta-los para arquivo mais completo
1 vote -
Calculo para nutricion parenteral
Porfavor agreguen este calculo, lo utilizamos mucho
1 vote -
Mean Airway Pressure
Can you add a form to calculate mean airway pressure please. Thank you
1 vote -
Risk stratification scores to identify low risk febrile neutropenic patient in the emergency department
1 vote -
1 vote
National Early Warning Score (NEWS2)
51 votes -
Índice de gravidade COVID-19
Índice do novo estudo do COVID -19
qSCI3 votes -
1 vote
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