Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
Oakland score for lower GI bleesing
According the 2019 guidelines about management of lower GI bleeds fronte the British Society of Gastroenterology (Gut 2019) by Oakland K, Chadwick G et al
14 votes -
Ferramenta Para cuidados paliativos ( SPICT - suppptive qnd palliative care indicators)
2 votes -
Índice de estado de actividad de Duke (DASI)
Índice que se utiliza para evaluar la capacidad funcional de pacientes que se someterán a ciirugia
Confirmado por el estudio METS como mayor sensibilidad y especifidad para predecir complicaciones como infarto y muerte a 30 días y un año que la evaluación de la capacidad funcional de forma subjetiva2 votes -
For determine % of risk of death in the criticall ill patient
1 vote -
Standard PaO2
Sauerstoff Partialdruck in Abhängigkeit des CO2 Partialdrucks
Standard PaO2 = PaO2 - 1,66 x (40-PaCO2)
1 vote -
1 vote
Índice de Lox
Para cirrosis hepatica 90% sensibilidad
1 vote -
Usar um pacientes com vertigem aguda
1 vote -
Escala da Yale
Cuestionarios ideados 2009 para evaluar adición a comida
1 vote -
1 vote
NELA Calculator
Perioperative risk calculator based on NELA audit
2 votes -
Escala de Los Ángeles
Tamízame de EVC
2 votes -
Pulmonary postop complications PPCs
The ARISCAT score can be used to assess PPCs as it has been validated
Preop saturation
Surgical incision
Duration of surgery1 vote -
Milan criteria
Milan Criteria for liver transplantation eval
1 vote -
Vasoactive Inotropic score
All in microgram/kg/min apart from vasopressin in U/kg/min
Used for initiation of extracorporeal life support
PMId: 19794327
6 votes -
1 vote
1 vote
1 vote
1 vote
Arterial pressure1 vote
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