Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
Necesidad de perocardiocentesis en derrame perocardiocentesis
Figura 1 de las recomendaciones 2014 de la Eur Society Card
doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehu2171 vote -
Pulmonary shunt
I'm an intensive care resident, I love many formulas in this app, but I'd like that you can add capillary content of oxygen (CcO2) and the QS/QT formula (pulmonary shunt).
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Albumin correction for CRP
hi . The albumin must be corrected with the c reactiv protein in geriatric evaluation
Rhank you
Dr nicolas holzapfel1 vote -
Indice de requerimiento sanguineo ajustado
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PaO2 Ideal para a Idade do paciente em Ventilação Mecânica:
PaO2 Ideal = 109 - (0,43 x Idade)
PaO2 prevista (mmHg) = 143,6 - 0,39 x idade - 0,56 x IMC - 0,57 x PaCO2
PaO2 prevista = (106,6 - (0,25 x idade))
Gostaria de ter esses cálculos no aplicativo
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Prostate Volume is missing : H x W x D x Pi / 6
Prostate Volume is missing : H x W x D x Pi / 6
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Escala que evalúa deterioro cognitivo y su evolución
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Síndrome Hepatorrenal
Solicito critérios diagnósticos de Síndrome Hepatorrenal conforme International Ascites Club (2007)
Grato!1 vote -
Sleepiness wakefulness inability and fatigue test
12 item questionnaire administered with ESS
Measures ability to stay awake when desired
Measures fatigue rather than sleepiness1 vote -
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Clasificación de Laringotraqueítis
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Weever score
Concern for infant head circumference. Score measures dad and mom head size and growth curves to assess if head circumference is too large.
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Positional obstructive sleep apnoea score
Determines the percentage of positional sleep apnoea a patient is suffering. Facilitates consideration of other treatment options
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