Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP)
Classification of pressure ulcer by NPUAP
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Ogino Kanaus
Método de anticoncepción natural, siguiendo el ciclo menstrual
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How about the FRESH score?
June 28, 2016A Better Way to Prognosticate Outcomes After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Hooman Kamel, MD Reviewing Witsch J et al., Ann Neurol 2016 Apr 30;
The FRESH score provides more-reliable predictions than the Hunt and Hess score alone.The Hunt & Hess (HH) score is often used to prognosticate about neurological recovery after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), but many patients with high HH scores will nevertheless recover well. To develop a more sophisticated prognostication score, researchers used a prospective registry of more than 1500 SAH patients at a single tertiary-care center between 1996 and 2014 to…
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Apo B
I would like an Apo B calculator to be added if possible.
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conut value
nutrition score
total cholesterol1 vote -
Criterios de Korotkoff
Criterios para cardiomegalia
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Endometriosis Fertility Index
Score de l'Endometriosis Fertility Society avec pronostic de fertilité postopératoire de l'endométriose
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Score de marbrures
Le Score de marbrure est simple et utilise en rea, validé...
Ce serait sympa de l'ajouter à votre excellente application.Cordialement,
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Identificación de comorbilidades y su impacto pronóstico
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