Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
1 vote
Criterios menores y mayores para definir ingreso a UCI para pacientes con NAC
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Screening for delirium
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1 vote
Factores asociados a baja probabilidad de cirrosis
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Sheiner tozier equation
Phenytoin correction
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1 vote
Escala de malformaciones arteriovenosas intra cerebrales
Escala de spetzler martin
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1 vote
Risco de mortalidade com disfunção renal, ajudando a definir viabilidade de início de hemodialise.
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Blantyre coma scale
For cerebral malaria assessment
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Índice de péptido C
Valoración de la reserva de insulina
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PIBIS SCORE for child abuse
Please add this
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Sobre carga del cuidador
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1 vote
Riskerd é uma fórmula para cálculo de risco relacionada a esportes.
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Referred Pain Associations.
There are known referred pain patterns, ex: tenderness at McBurney’s Point in LLQ suggests acute appendicitis. The dermatome map doesn’t cover this.
Thanks and Regards.
B. Sheardown. M1, Rady College of Medicine.1 vote
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