Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
1 vote
Appendicitis inflammatory response
Proposed in 2008. The AIR score showed a significant betrer discriminating capacity when compared with the Alvarado score.
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Zwolle Risk Score for STEMI and PPCI
Describes risk of STEMI patients for their mortality and helps guide how long they should be hospitalized.
Points for age, duration of angina, +/- 3VD, TIMI flow post PPCI, Killip class, +/- anterior MI
if<3 safe for discharge at 48hours post balloon vote -
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Estima classe funcional
Duke activity status index1 vote -
It would be great to have
FAST score for dementia
PPS for Palliative performance score
Mortality risk index scoreThese are used by hospice and Palliative care
Karen1 vote -
Riesgo de desarrollar Fibrilacion auricular
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Score for preoperative obstructive sleep apnoea
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Sofa materna
Buen día. Hay una variabilidad importante entre el SOFA y SOFA materna. Ojalá y desarrollaran la fórmula. Muchas gracias
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Compressible Volume
Difference in ventilator calculated tidal volume versus actual tidal volume due to compressible volume. What is the formula to calculate actual tidal volume while taking compressible volume into consideration
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Rosner index
Corrección de tiempos de coagulacion
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SAVE score
Predictor de supervivencia después de ECMO
1 vote
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