Formula Suggestions
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4687 results found
2 votes
PPI pronosticó Paliativo
Pronostico Paliativo
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Risk model for evaluating the probability of ovarian cancer before surgery. See Van Calster et al. BMJ 2014.
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Score créole
Score créole dans les sténoses iléales2 votes -
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Score de Wang modifié
Le score de Wang modifié(1) (2) est parfois utilisé pour évaluer la sévérité de la maladie et adapter la prise en charge. Il n'existe pas de score prédictif validé de l'évolution.(1) (2) Score 0 à < 4 : bronchiolite légère ; 4 à < 8 : bronchiolite modérée ; 8 et + : bronchiolite sévère. « Observer Agreement for Respiratory Signs and Oximetry in Infants Hospitalized with Lower Respiratory Infections », American Review of Respiratory Disease, vol. 145, N° 1, pp. 106-109, 1992.
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Escala funcional de gravedad clinica HUGHES
Escala para valoracion de la discapacidad y gravedad sintomatica del sindrome de Guillain-Barré
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Escala e risco ADHETE de mortalidade intra-hospitalar
Escore usado para avaliar risco de mortalidade intra-hospitalar na insuficiência cardíaca aguda.
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Geriatrics 8
Escala oncologica para pacientes de edad avanzada
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Troponin-only Manchester ACS decision tool.
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CRAB criteria
CRAB criteria for myelomatosis
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PROPKD score
Predict renal survival in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) using genetics
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Probability of HFpEF being present and cause if symptoms
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Nutrition Risk Screening é uma ferramenta para triagem nutricional de pacientes hospitalizado. Seria muito útil aqui no aplicativo!
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2 votes
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