Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
Gout probability
Laura B.E. Kienhorst, MD, from the Department of Rheumatology at Rijnstate Hospital in the Netherlands, and colleagues describe the ability of the rule to diagnose gout in a secondary care population of patients in an article published online September 16 in Rheumatology.
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Krampfbereitschaft bei hypoparathyreoidismua
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This is a liver fibrosis formula that is like the APRI but includes age
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Identification of seniors at risk tool & SEISAR
Geriatric assessment
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Standardized uptake value
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Critérios de Malatak
Prediz o risco de óbito pré-transplante a curto prazo dos pacientes com atresia de via biliar
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Half life calculator
Could you add half life calculator for AFP and bHCG used in testicular cancer? Thank you.
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CHC Critères de Barcelone
Stratégie de Classification
des CHC1 vote -
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AKL score
Risiko vor Aortenklappenersatz.
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ACE Equivalence Chart
Easily assess equivalent doses of ACE drugs. Such as the one found here
1 vote
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