FRAX (fracture risk)
WHO calculation tool for risk for fracture in the next 10 years
Seems like a closed tool, where's the formula?
In negotiation via Email since January 2011
Sadly we are unable to offer this copyrighted score.
In MedCalX you can now add links to copyrighted scores. See the "sample workflow" that you can add from the settings screen.
Anonymous commented
Fracture risk calculator based on bone mineral density scans - useful for determining candidacy for bisphosphanate therapy.
Anonymous commented
It could be found at
Anonymous commented
Frax score please
Anonymous commented
WHO Fracture Risk Assessment Score
Felix commented
Cálculo de fratura em 10 anos.
Tyler Fitch commented
This is for determining use of bisphosphonate.
Igor commented
For fracture risk
Anonymous commented
Fracture risk assessment system from the WHO.
Würden wir äusserst gerne anbieten, der Score ist jedoch Copyright-geschützt. :(
Dr. med. Daniel Rossel commented
bis anhin ist ein entsprechendes Tool nur auf PC's abrufbar. Name:
FRAX (WHO Fracture Risk Assessemnt Tool). Wir arbeiten zunehmend mit IPAD's in unseren Praxen, es ist höchste Zeit FRAX auch auf iPAD
anwenden zu können. Häufige Indikation in Grundversorger-,Rheumatologie (und Orthopädie-) Praxis.Dr. med. Daniel Rossel, Solothurn (Switzerland)
Anonymous commented
World Health Organization and the USPSTF use it.
Anonymous commented
Fracture risk assesment model
Please see here:
(Search doesn't find this at this time...)
Anonymous commented
JL Ramos commented
Fracture Risk Assessment
Renata commented
Fracture risk assessment tool
Anonymous commented
Thin is a very important tool and should be available for public health matters
The score is copyrighted and we don't have access to the dataset, we cannot include FRAX at the moment.
Kalil commented
Is necessary