Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
Balance nitrogenado
Seria util en calculo de pacientes criticos
1 vote -
MEESSI-AHF is a risk model to predict 30-day mortality in patients attending Emergency Departments (ED) with a diagnosis of Acute Heart Failures (AHF).
The MEESSI-AHF score was derived on 4867 consecutive AHF patients admitted to Spanish ED during 2009-2011, and then validated in 3229 consecutive AHF patients during 2014. (Note patients also with ST elevation myocardial infarction are excluded)
The MEESSI-AHF risk model includes 13 variables readily available on arrival to Emergency Department. The 40% of patients classified as LOW RISK (30-day mortality: <2%) should be considered as potential candidates to be early discharged from Emergency Department without admission after…
7 votes -
Gradient Trans-tubulaire de potassium
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2 votes
Die EQD2 ist in der Strahlentherapie essentiell um verschiedene Fraktionsschemata zu vergleichen.
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1 vote
Clasificación de Sakita
La clasificación de Sakita para úlcera péptica es una buena opción de herramienta
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1 vote
DASH score
Score de récidive de TVP et EP
4 votes -
2 votes
Dass 42
Score de stress anxiete et depression
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Opiod withdrawal
10 ready for 1st 4mg dose buprenorphine
< 10 not ready for 1st dose in ED1 vote -
Mortalidad asociada a volumen de hemorragia intracerebral
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Maggic Score
Heart Failure
1 vote -
Guten Tag, eine Gruppe für „Intensivmedizin“ fand ich hilfreich, da diese sich ja interdisziplinäre gestaltet.
Nett waren dort Vorfällen Scores zur Erhebung des Patienten Zustands (Sofa, RASS, GCS, CAM-ICU, Schmerzscores etc)Fehlend aktuell noch die Pre-Delir ( und E-Pre-Delir Scores.
Vielen Dank.
1 vote -
Modified parsons-smith score
For hepatic encephalopathy classification
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Sugerir escala
Sugiero agregar la escala de burch wartofsky para tormenta tiroidea
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1 vote
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