Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
Bronchiectasis severity index
Risque d'exacerbation de bronchiectasie
3 votes -
Rotterdam CT score
Útil para predecir pronóstico en TCE
6 votes -
Stone recurrence risk
7 votes -
Thrombolysis in cerebral ischemia/infarction
Score for evaluating intracranial flow by angiography.
Grade 0-4. No perfusion to complete perfusion.
See American Society of Neuroradiology:
2 votes -
Please add the STONE score for urethral stone prediction. BMJ 2014; 348:g2191 Moore et al
15 votes -
6 votes
Boston Bowel Preparation Score
2 votes -
Hodges formula (QTc)
Hi i would like to suggest hodges formula for correcting qt interval when the heart rhythm is irregular
Hodges formula: QTC = QT + 1.75 (heart rate – 6)
8 votes -
Fórmula de Kawasaki
Calcular la natriuria de 24hs con orina de la mañana!
2 votes -
ATRIA stroke risk score
The new ATRIA stroke risk score seems to be better than CHADS VASC to distinguish low risk individuals that won't benefit from anticoagulation when AF is present.
4 votes -
Obesitas Surgery –Mortality Risk Score (OS-MRS)
Obesitas Surgery Mortality risk score: proposal for a clinically useful score to predict Mortality risk in patients undergoing gastric bypass.
The OS-MRS assigns 1 point to each of 5 pre operative variables, including body mass index ≥50 kg/m2, male gender, hypertension, known risk factors for pulmonary embolism (previous thromboembolism, pre operative vena cava filter, hypo ventilation, pulmonary hypertension), and age ≥45 years. Patients with total score of 0 to 1 are classified as 'A' (lowest) risk group, score 2 to 3 as 'B' (intermediate) risk group, and score 4 to 5 as 'C' (high) risk group.
3 votes -
Drug dosage formula need to come back!
As of version 3.0.5, the following formulas were removed:
Corticosteroids Converter
NAC Dosing
Opioid Converter
Pediatric Resuscitation Doses
Dose Calculator (was planned for future versions)Apparently they were forced by Apple to remove them to comply with the App Store policy...
However, Epocrates and many other medical apps have drug dosage calculators. Why then should a great app like MedCalc not be allowed to have drug dose calculators?
I don't know the details of why the formulas had to be removed, but vote if you want the formulas back!See here: votes -
LODS - logistic organ dysfunction system
This score was used to define new sepsis' criteria
3 votes -
Tanaka's formula
Formula used to calculate maximal heart rate in people aged over 60
4 votes -
7 votes
Para medir la cantidad de cigarrillos que una persona ha fumado durante un largo período de tiempo.
(# Cigarrillos por día) x (años fumando) / 20Número de cigarrillos que fuma al día multiplicado por número de años que lleva fumando, y dividido entre 20.
Hay que tener en cuenta los periodos de abstinencia, la disminución o el aumento del consumo de cigarrillos.
Se utiliza para:
Puede tener relación con el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de pulmón, EPOC y diabetes tipo II.Escala:
Riesgo cáncer de pulmón
Riesgo leve: <20 IPA
Riesgo moderado: 21-40 IPA
Riesgo alto: >41 IPA2 votes -
Sobrecarga hídrica
%SH = [liq. Ingresó- liq. Egreso( en la)/ peso al ingreso x 100
Por cada 1% de sobrecarga, aumenta la mortalidad 3%
2 votes -
22 votes
8 votes
Erasmus GBS outcome score
Early prediction models for outcome for Guillain-Barré syndrome
4 votes
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