Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4686 results found
Emergency Department Assessment of Chest Pain (EDACS)
Identifies ED CP patients who are low risk for M&M at 30 days. Annals of Emergency Medicine Boyle 1/15/2021
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1 vote
Score AIR
2 votes -
Por favor añadir escala
Por favor añadir escala INTERHEART para estimación de riesgo cardiovascular en población de alto riesgo.
2 votes -
Prédiction du risque opératoire chez le patient cirrhotique
1 vote -
1 vote
aMAP Score zur Prädiktion des HCC Risikos bei HBV Infektion
1 vote -
Pressão inspiratória máxima
Poderia colocar a fórmula para cálculo do valor predito da pressão inspiratória máxima e pressão expiratória máxima (Black Hyatt)
1 vote -
New formula
1.R-factor for liver injury
2.Pauda prediction score for DVT
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1 vote
Could you plz add the EDACS score ?
4 votes -
Mehran risk score
建议加入造影剂肾病危险评分Mehran Risk Score.
1 vote -
Índice tabáquico para riesgo de EPOC
El índice tabáquico designa una unidad que permite conocer el consumo de tabaco de una persona y el riesgo para desarrollar EPOC así como, riesgo cardiovascular.
Se calcula: número de cigarros por día X número de años de fumador / 20
Índice tabáquico - Riesgo de EPOC
<10 Nulo
10-20 Moderado
21-40 Intenso41 Alto
.Paul A. James S. Evidence-Based Guideline for the Management of High Blood Preassure in Adults. Report from the Panel Members Appointed to the Eighth Joint Nacion-
al Committe (JNC 8). JAMA. 2014.
García Alonzo L et al.Lipid and non-lipid cardiovascular risk factors in an adult.…1 vote -
1 vote
4C Mortality Score
The 4C (Coronavirus Clinical Characterisation Consortium) Mortality Score is an easy-to-use and valid prediction tool for in-hospital mortality, accurately categorising patients as being at low, intermediate, high, or very high risk of death with regards to COVID-19
6 votes -
Rechnet HCC-Risiko aus
1 vote -
Relación flujo métrica entre Arteria Cerebral Media Fetal y Arteria Umbilical
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SVEAT index ( Symptoms, Vascular disease, EKG, Age, Troponin) for Non STEMI.
1 vote -
Rapid Arterial oCclusion Evaluation scale
For pre-hospital large vessel occlusion assessment
1 vote -
Helps determine whether it is hepatocellular, cholestatic or mixed injury
2 votes
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