Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
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Ryan Score
Score zur präklinischen Abschätzung der Mortalität bei Verbrennungsopfern.
3 Risikofaktoren, je 1 Punkt
- Alter >50 Jahre
- Inhalationstrauma
- Verbrennung >40% KÖF
0 Punkte - 0.3%
1 Punkt - 3%
2 Punkte - 33%
3 Punkte - 87%1 vote -
1 vote
Yale index
That's an indicisated measure to decide if aortic aneurism is able to be underwent in surgery, basse in BSA and real aortic caliper measure
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HAKA Score for LGIB
Chong V, Hill A, MacCormick A. Accurate triage of lower gastrointestinal bleed (LGIB) – a cohort study. Int J Surg. 2016; 25:19-23.
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Paddington Clinicopathological Suspicion score
Score for breast cancer
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Shot protocol
4 item scale (sweating hallucinations orientation and tremor) used in ED
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PAPS score
PAPS score (pediatric acute pancreastitis severity score)
Age <7 year
Body weight <23 kg
WBC > 18,500
LDH แรกรับ >2000
Ca <8.3mg/dL ใน 48 hrs
Albumin <2.6mg/dL ใน 48 hrs
Plasma leak >75mg/kg/48 hrs
BUN >5mg/dL ใน 48hrsMore than 2 things maybe severe pancreastitis
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Conn Score
For altered mental status
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Score de tondant
Pour évaluer la sclérose cutanée dans la sclérodermie
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TVT-Score in der Schwangerschaft. Chan et al. 2009
Siehe Leitlinien TVT und LAE von 2009
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