Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
Roland Morris
Grado de incapacidad en Lumbalgia
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Revised Mayo Risk Score
Risiko-Stadien bei AL-Amyloidose
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AG Ratio
A/G ratio= (Albumin Level)/(Total Protein - Albumin).
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Podem por gentileza disponibilizar o AAA SCORE. Para avaliação de risco pré-op de Aneuridma de aorta abdominal?
The Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Statistically Corrected Operative Risk Evaluation (AAA SCORE) for predicting mortality after open and endovascular interventions. J Vasc Surg 61(1):35–43. All enquiries should be sent to the author at1 vote -
Oxford acute severe score
For acute severe UC patient risk of colectomy
Available online. Please add1 vote -
Behavioral Pain Scale - Not intubated
I miss somehow the above scale, see chanques, 2009
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This is a screening tool for psychotic risk.
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Please do one for the simple clinical colitis activity index. Cheers
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Greensfield's risk assessment
Avaliação de risco para evento trombótico venoso (tev), sugiro inclusão deste ao app . Grato att
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Rainer score
Score pour protocole de transfusion massive lors d'un choc hémorragique traumatologique
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Partial pressure of gaseous ammonia
Calculated from total ammonia and pH.
It has a better association with hepatic encephalopathy than arterial ammonia.
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McGoon Index
(RPA+LPA)/Descending aort radius is an index of development of pulmonary vascular structure. You may add it to your database
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Trends troponins
1 vote
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