Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
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Escore de Alvorado
Escore para apendicite aguda
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Transport FIO2 Adjustment Calculation
Going from one altitude (barometric pressure) to another with a vented patient, a calculation would be helpful to adjust vent settings.
(FIO2 X BP1)/BP2
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Escala psiquiátricas
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Pa pi
Please make a measurement for pulseatility index a measurement of right heart failure
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prismIII score
for pediatric patients underwent to liver transplantation, intendive care unit classification score
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Japan Urgent Stroke Triage (JUST) score, based on 21 variables to discriminate between different types of stroke in pre-hospital setting
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Mehran risk score
Online risk calculator for renal replacement therapy for contrast induced nephropathy.
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Bahn Chair Table
Diagnostic criteria for thyroid storm
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Arterio-venous oxygen content difference
avDO2 [mL] = (s(a)O2 [%] * c(Hb) [g/dL] * 1.39mL/g + p(a)O2 [mmHg] * 0.0031 [mL/mmHg/dL]) – (s(v)O2 [%] * c(Hb) [g/dL] * 1.39mL/g + p(v)O2 [mmHg] * 0.0031 [mL/mmHg/dL])
Normal: 5mL/100mL of blood
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Gostaria de sugerir
Gostaria de sugerir a inclusão da escala de BERG
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Escala PORT
-Idade >65 anos: 1 ponto
-Obesidade (superior a 150% do peso ideal corporal): 1 ponto
-Local da cirurgia: Tórax 2 pontos/Abdome alto 2 pontos/outro local 1 ponto
-Histórico pulmonar: fumante ativo 1 ponto/tosse ou expectoração 1 ponto/ Doença pulmonar 1 ponto
-Espirometria: CVF <50% 1 ponto// VEF1/CVF 65% a 74,9% 1 ponto// VEF1/CVF 50% a 64,9% 2 pontos// VEF1/CVF <50% 3 pontosBaixo risco: 0-3 pontos; morbidade 6%, mortalidade 2%.
Moderado risco: 4 - 6 pts; 23% morbidade, 6% mortalidade
Alto risco: 7 - 11 pontos; 35% morbidade, 12% mortalidadeChest, 1988; 93:946-51
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