Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
Suggesting the addition of the revised cardiac risk index for preoperative cardiac risk assessment.
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Es la simplificada de evaluación de artritis reumatoidea
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Dermatology Calculators
I think it would be useful to have DLQI, PASI, UAS7, POEM calculators in this app.
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An hours old formula is needed for working in neonatal care unit please
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Escorr save pra avaliacao de elegibilidade para ecmo
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Calculator creation
My professor, nephrologist, wants to add a calculator on online medical calc website. What do I need to do?
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escala de hounsfield
escala de hounsfield
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m-HEART score
Modified HEART score for new high-sensitivity troponin.
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Standard-Score zur Ermittlung der Wahrscheinlichkeit für das Vorliegen einer Autoimmunhepatitis.
Grüße aus Göttingen,
Dr. S. Bremer
Hepatologe1 vote -
1 vote
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