Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4688 results found
You should have the fatty liver index
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Douleur chez personnes âgées
Doloplus ECPA Algoplus
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BVAS (Birmingham Vasculitis Activity Score) und VDI (Vasculitis Damage Index) beschreiben die akuten und chronischen Schäden bei Vasculitis (z.B. ANCA-Vasculitiden) und können ein Therapieansprechen oder Progress der Erkrankung anzeigen.
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switch ios android
Bonjour est -il possible de sauvegarder ma base de patients de IOS vers android ( changement de telephone iphone -> huawei )
Merci1 vote -
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Escore de Wexner
Escore de Wexner para síndrome da defecação obstruída
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Effizienz des ICDs zur Verhinderung des plötzlichen Herztodes in der Primär- wie auch in der Sekundärprävention
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TyG and the "hepatic steatosis predictors"
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Indice de mentzer
Diagnostico diferencia entre talasemia y anemia ferropenica
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Abschätzung des kumulativen 10-Jahresrisiko für das erste tödliche atherosklerostische Ereignis.
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Modified Observer's Assessment of Alertness/Sedation Scale (MOAAS)
Modified Observer's Assessment of Alertness/Sedation Scale (MOAAS)
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2CAN score
This is a tool that uses risk factors to distinguish true strokes from mimics in the inpatient setting
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Comfort scale
This is a scale for grading pain and discomfort when the patient himself cannot cooperate. It’s often used in intensive care.
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Score de demência
Clinical Dementia Rating
Global Deterioration Scale
Functional Assessment Staging Tool
Mini mental1 vote -
Wilson’s disease
Hi guys!
Excellent app, use it daily. There are, however, two formulas for assessment of Wilson’s disease (ref Ferenc 2003 and Dhawan 2005) that you might consider including in future releases, as they are both complicated and useful.
1 vote
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