Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4684 results found
1 vote
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1 vote
Mayes Equation (for burns)
Mayes Equations to Calculate Energy Requirement After a Burn
Modified Brooke Resuscitation Formula
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1 vote
Score IIEF5
Évaluation psychométrique de la fonction érectile
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1 vote
PRESEP score for prehospital screening of sepsis
Very useful score for sepsis screen that could lead to prehospital fluid therapy, initiated by paramedics.
Bayer et al. (2015) an early warning scoring system to identify septic patients in the prehospital setting: the PRESEP score. Academic Emergency Medicine. 22(7), pp.868-871
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1 vote
Sparc calculator
Calculation of risk of cva on different types of anticoagulants and risk of bleed vs risks with no therapy.
4 votes -
Test für die Einwilligungsfähigkeit eines Patienten.
1 vote -
Ataxia de friedreich
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Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale
Recont score from the American Journal of Psychiatry
2 votes -
Hayley pinneau
Metodo de predição de altura baseado na idade óssea
1 vote -
Score de reflujo faringo laringeo
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FE-HCO3= (uHCO3 * sCr)/(sHCO3*uCr)
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1 vote
A aria life expectancy
Life expectancy based on 8 personal characteristics
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1 vote
Pre-operatore assessment of fitness score
É a calculadora de risco cirúrgico pré operatório1 vote
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